
In the fall of 2018, ECF and The FaithX Project (FaithX) entered into a mutually-beneficial, collaborative partnership to bring data-grounded congregational vitality and discernment tools and resources to congregations, dioceses, and the larger church, utilizing the leveraging the skills and resources of both organizations.

FaithX’s vision is helping congregations survive and thrive in challenging times through data-grounded discernment.

FaithX’s mission is to enable congregations to improve their vitality and sustainability by more deeply understanding and more effectively engaging the neighborhoods they serve. They do this by providing congregations and dioceses with the tools and strategies they require to assess their own strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots; to explore neighborhood missional opportunities and challenges; and to leverag their strengths to engage those opportunities.

The ECF-FaithX partnership has produced resources and services to congregations and judicatories, including:

  • A free, research-based Congregational Vitality Assessment (CVA) tool that allows congregations to assess their own vitality and sustainability.
  • A subscription-based CVA Judicatory Platform that allows dioceses to directly administer the CVA to their congregations and monitor their vitality and sustainability over time.
  • Co-sponsored webinars on a variety of data-ground topics.
  • Neighborhood Missional Opportunity Assessment for congregations participating in ECF’s leadership programs.


Ken Howard

Executive Director

The FaithX Project


Director for Partnerships & Program Innovation